Monday, February 02, 2009


Hi all. I have been taking some hits regarding the paucity of activity on my blog. Well, as most of you know I lost my job with Ford Motor Company this month. We received the news December 2 which was nice because it gave me a couple of months on the payroll to look for a job. I am happy to announce I have secured a position with Honeywell in Phoenix beginning February 23. The company is terrific, the location is great and the airplanes are awesome.

Over the last two months I have worked harder than ever before in my career. It was difficult to get on the bike so blogging just fell by the wayside. I ho

pe to have more free time as we move forward but the sale of our house is going to be a killer for the next couple of weeks. We have contractors and realtors coming in to get things lined up. De-cluttering is also a full time job.

Here's a pic of the new airplane I'll be flying.

And the front office...


dmo said...

Sweet new whip, Ace. Many congrats. I'll have to figure out how to get my cx bike back from you so that you don't have to deal with it.

Chris Aten said...

Darrell, you'll have to visit me and vice versa if I move out to Boulder. Dmo, I have your bike and need to get a new derailleur hanger for it. It cracked on my last ride

dmo said...

Boulder? Sweet. I'm looking forward to riding around in the mountains by Vancouver next year. You guys are both welcome to visit me anytime you want. And Chris, you're living at the CAF this year? I figure I'll be by A2 in the next few months so I guess I could pick it up then?

Zachary Maino said...

Yay! I can train in Boulder, Vancouver and Phoenix! haha.

Hey Darrell, you should fly the plane to A2 and pick up the team and fly us down for a spring training camp. (if only)

C said...

Congrats on the new job.
You should sign up for the Vuelta de Bisbee, and throw away all your winter gear.

I'm digging the new picture in the blog header, by the way.