Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Latest Is Not Much...

Alright, it's the off season and blogging is just not what it was a week or two ago. That's a given, but here's the best of the rest.

Last Saturday I rode my bike. I rode my bike to Ann Arbor and hooked up with the AAVC group ride. It was a small group but a fun one. We rode out to Dexter, Chelsea then off the grid. Rich Stark led us on some roads that were completely foreign to me but it was crazy fun. DMO was kickin' it pretty good so I got some LT work in and we took in some beautiful scenery on a crisp fall day. I think we made it to Grass Lake and Norvell, (wherever that is), then back to Saline via Pleasant Lake Rd. I left the group there and rode back to my house. It was super, super fun.

Sunday, I didn't ride. Monday I noodled around for an hour or so.

Today, I am working. I rode on NWA to Anchorage to pick up a trip later in the week. At a stop over in Minneapolis, I picked up David Walsh's book "From Lance To Landis: Inside the American Doping Controversy At The Tour De France".
I read a couple of chapters and am totally hooked. David Walsh has been painted as a Lance hater but that is not how he comes off in this book. He is taking a sober look at a cycling culture that has, over the last thirty years, given itself over to doping as an accepted standard. If you want to be competitive you have to dope. An early story tells the tail of junior racers being injected with unknown substances while racing in Europe! It sent a chill down my spine. These were kids and folks with zero medical cred are sticking needles into them, putting pills in their energy bars and so on. According to Walsh even Chris Carmichael was in on it. Before you write him off as a hater read the book. If we don't take a sober look at the situation we can't begin to do something about it. If we don't take a sober look at the situation we may end up putting our juniors in harm's way.

I worked on my website today on the airplane and it is almost ready for viewing. Oh what the heck...check it out:


The office is on hold while I'm on this trip. I almost pulled the trigger on an LCD screen yesterday but opted to hold off until I get back.


Doug said...

Doping in bike racing, no not that... it cannot be, tell me it is not true, the shock, the horror ;)

They all do it, drug test them all; guilty by association, no better yet... "all right don’t anybody move, you are ALL under arrest!"

Doug said...

You know you have your home address on a public Internet site? That is a big no-no in the world of IT security.

I may not be a genius, but I am Security+ certified.

Doug said...

Oh, you have a spot for testimonials; I would like to leave a testimonial.

Coach Ace has a very groovy attitude, a little ghetto, but not too bad. His indoor training setup with four Computrainers is nice, the 52 inch black and white wide screen TV is very sharp, and the shag carpeting fits in nice with the disco ball and disco workout music.

Later. :)

C said...

Darrell, I was just reading BKW and they also commented about From Lance to Landis on their blog. I guess I'll have to go to Borders and give it a run-down as well.

The website is cool.

Link: Belgium Knee Wamers - Loved to Loathed