Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's Here!

The analyzer arrived today from Canada. Abby brought the box down to me in my office and we tore into it. I played around with it some and took a measurement of myself just sitting around and one of Bikeboy in the midst of an LT interval. He rang up a 4.9 mM/l. I read a little on testing adolescents and they may have different LT thresholds above 4.0 mM/l which is the number I see most defining LT. I can see where having two of these would be helpful in testing. I am going to have to get organized so my tests don't look like an I Love Lucy scene.


Doug said...

Do you have to draw blood for that thing?

Darrell Anderson said...


Chris Aten said...

Very Nice Dr. Ferrari. I can't wait to try it out. (of course I know you are the most ethical guy, no blood doping)

dmo said...

He's turning into a vampire!
First the training room conveniently out of the sun, and now this. Ack!

Doug said...

Yeah, I don't think Ace's house has one light bulb in the whole place.

So, I hope you know how to get blood without risk of infection.