Thursday, February 28, 2008

Latest Test

I finished up this testing for Base 3 today. The graduated exercise test showed progress as did the 30 minute critical power test. I felt much stronger on the 30 minute test today but only eeked out another 4 watts. Still, that is a solid 10 watt gain since my first test in early January. With 8 weeks of build training I hope to see more dramatic gains but even if I don't, a continuance of these minor gains over the remainder of the year would be substantial. I am now 8 watts from that goal of an FTP of 300 watts.

1 comment:

Daniel Ritter said...

I know how that goes. I was at 260W last year according to Steve, and it seems like I'm always just an iota below 300W. I just can't wait to cross that line! Shouldn't be long with the way he is having me ride and after I get back to the altitude of Michigan... oh boy!