Saturday, August 08, 2009

DMO's Cyber Attack

It would appear that my lack of blogging has inspired a cyber attack by Dr. David "DMO" Morrissey. I admit that I have opened myself up to this by total disregarding my pathetic blog. But enough about me, let's focus on Dr. Morrissey.

For those of you who are fans of The Smiths, you might remember Dr. DMO, Professor of Speed, as the lead singer for this awesome 80's alt band. After the band fell out of fashion, DMO went back to school to get his PHd in physics and advanced TT aerodynamics.

DMO, as many of you know is a vegan. Do you remember the classic Smiths album "Meat is Murder"?
David making a statement

DMO pictured on his second solo album Bona Drag

Does anybody else think it is fishy that DMO is hangin' with a bunch of "physicists" in Aspen??? I, for one, ain't buyin' it. I know for a fact that they check for physicists at the Aspen city limit and unless they have a Screen Actors Guild card they don't get in. No, DMO is in Aspen as a celebrity. The famed Morrissey of the Smiths.

Nice try "Dr. Morrissey". I think the pictures reveal who you really are.

1 comment:

dmo said...

Acck, you exposed my secret identity! And I'm not quite vegan. Can't quite get past my weakness for ice cream.