Sunday, March 16, 2008

First Outdoor Ride

Hey, I finally got outside last week and man was it sweet. Wednesday was my first foray. 58 miles via AA and HRD, Dexter and Chelsea. I made my first stop at Zou's for the year. It was like old times with the staff. They noted I hadn't been there since whenever and I told them it was the first since October. I love that place.

Thursday I put in some time on the trainer, (3 x 20 zone 4), then James and I joined some other folks out at Barton for what should have been an easy spin. My legs were shot from the intervals and I needed low intensity work. James and I both ended up working it. He was in zone 4 and I was in zone 3. It was still fun.

Friday, I put in 4 hours/75 miles back to Chelsea and the Waterloo Loop. It was in the 50
s and absolutely beautiful.

1 comment:

Chris Aten said...

I gotta get your route for waterloo! I keep riding around the area, but I hit all of the bad roads.