Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bike People

After two days of driving I am safely home. I did get three hours in Tuesday morning. It was the best ride of the trip. The weather was just fantastic with 70 degree temp and beautiful sunshine. I could have stayed out all day long.

I will have to get my training back on track today. Because I was pressed for time I never completed my weekly training plan. This is a recovery week so I am not too worried about it but I still need to get myself organized. I haven't lifted weights in almost two weeks.

I checked out the comments and was heartened to see that my favorite bike people are checking out the blog. Thanks everyone! DMO, I am glad to see you are watching...thanks. Doug, you dog! Joe, Zack and all the rest thanks so much.

Doug Gatto Thrown' Down At Rochester

There are a few people who make this sport happen in our area. These are the people who are always at the races. The people who work tirelessly managing clubs and teams all for the love of the sport. Where would we be without their enthusiasm? The folks I mentioned above are at all the races, rides, you name it. You see them at an event or just out on the road and they just make your day. Thanks to all of you. Thanks to Mark, Andy, DMO and Brian for giving the time you do to make our club what it is. Thanks to Joe and John for the hours they put in to make our team what it is. Thanks to Rich for taking inexperienced riders under your wing and teaching them the ropes. Thanks to Rob for never letting up on the gas, giving me those awesome selfless lead-outs and showing me that there are kind, welcoming folk in the bike racing community.

My first experience with bike racing turned me off completely. I left that day thinking bike racing was just not for me. These guys were stuck in junior high and I didn't need that at this stage of my life. Fortunately for me, I did go back and I learned that there are a few riders in the Michigan peloton that are not maturing normally but they are certainly the exception! I still run into these kinds of folk from time to time but they are easily written off.


Scott said...

Darrell, since there are no comments yet, I thought I would add one so you knew we were still reading. Keep up the blog...good reading, and us older members can definitely relate. See you at Runway in a couple of weeks.

Doug said...

Darrell is going to win one of the Runway B races, by forty-five seconds.

Darrell Anderson said...

Hey, which Scott is this...Gifford or Kroske??