Monday, February 19, 2007

Training Data

I thought I would post up some data from my powertap.

Work is measured in kilojoules. To convert to calories mulitply by 1.3.

TSS = Training Stress Score...Cycling Peaks comes up with this number which is a measure of overall effort of the ride. A TSS of 100 would be the effort required to ride one hour at my one hour critical power also referred to as "threshold power". This is the most power I can sustain for an hour. This helps to quantify training stress.

Intensity Factor = normalized power divided by threshold power.

Normalized power = This is the average power for each second of the ride. This would be the power applied if I applied a steady-state power for the entire ride without coasting, etc.

Entire workout (165 watts):
Duration: 3:16:24
Work: 1925 kJ
TSS: 252 (intensity factor 0.882)
Norm Power: 203
VI: 1.23
Distance: 53.33 mi

The numbers reveal I was a little excited. My normalized power should have been 175-126 watts if I was training only base endurance. However, I was doing some hill repeats for force training which accounts for part of the elevated normalized power.

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