Friday, November 02, 2007

You could say it's humbling

So I finally break down and get a set of rollers. These things are da' bomb as far as indoor training devices go. I set the thing up and tell my faithful son to come down and watch me make a fool out of myself trying to ride this thing. Like a good journalist, he brings his camera. Sure enough, my first two minutes on my trainer made it onto the internet. Bummer. No I know how Brittany feels. Then, to make matters worse, that darn Cat sensed vulnerability and it's payback for all the grief I have given him all the way back to the pothole controversy at Runway. (I swear he nearly hit that pothole on every lap.) But does the famed journalist stop by later to capture the old man cranking away for over an hour on the new rig? Does he stop by today and film me in the middle of the room out of the doorway without my helmet? You won't see that on the internet. It's only the scandal that sells.

BTW, that helmet thing was no joke. I figured I was going down before I got the hang of it.


Chris said...

I was looking through some blogs on my insomniac-like-night (I still need to determing the right amount of espresso to drink after daily rides) and I came across the amazing video on James' site. It takes a true man to hold onto the wall and wear a helmet while riding on rollers. I'm a little jealous that I can't experience the thrill one gets almost falling in a basement while going zero actual miles per hour. Maybe I too will try this in the future. Haha, again, nice video!

Zachary Maino said...

Spoken like a true cyclist. haha