Saturday, August 18, 2007

Junior Training Ride At Kensington

James I reported for practice at Kensington this morning in bright sunshine and temps in the fifties. We were greeted by Coach Dave and Coach joe. James and I were the only riders to show so James had three coaches to himself! This was Dave's day to lead the ride so James was able to work closely with him for almost two hours. It was great! Dave is so knowledgeable and experienced.

Since we have some racing coming up with hills Dave decided to do some hill repeats which was perfect. We warmed up some then did at least an hour of repeats.

After, we said goodbye to Dave and Joe and we rode over to Island lakes to get a few more miles in. James rode on my wheel and we just toured the park together.

We dined on PBJ's during and after our ride. For a treat we stopped at the Custard Company in Brighton. It was fantastic! If you get the chance do it. It is in that shopping center near Costco.

So, What's Up With The Cat?
I checked out the Cat's blog tonight and boy is he getting testy. What gives Pothole? Apparently some folks have been giving him grief about the Cavalier. You know something like, "Hey Doug, how long are going to drive that thing? Geez, move along already. My grandfather had one of those," or words to that affect. (Yeah but I bet your grandfather didn't have a two door now did he?

As for me, I like the Cavalier. I'm so used to seeing it at races that its absence would suggest things may not be right with the world and everything as we know it is coming apart at the seams.

Here's another thing...why are people so concerned with Doug's ride? Now, I'll admit, I need more people to buy Ford products so I can have a job so I can buy stuff. But still, one has to respect another's choice in this area. Sure our friend might look better in a brand new car but that would be for us now wouldn't it? I mean if the boy has a Cavalier heart a Mustang GT just won't do now will it.

Maybe it is time for our esteemed friend to "pimp" his ride. What about something like this?

The only thing is what to do about the bike rack. That rear end thing might not go with the paint on this new Catmobile. Might have to consider one of those breakaway bikes.

Just visualize ole' Doug slowly pulling into the parking lot at the next race with his gojillion watt stereo blasting out hip hop tunes. Then he smoothly climbs out and gives us a brief pose before unloading his water bottles on the roof. Priceless.

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