Friday, August 24, 2007


In a few minutes, I'll load the entire family and head west for the Rockford crit. We plan on spending some time at the Ford library and maybe Meijer Gardens if the weather permits.

Speaking of weather, it looks like there might still be some rain tomorrow morning but it will be moving out as the day goes on. The surface forecast indicates a cold front is going to pass through early in the morning and after it is gone, high pressure will move in and improving conditions with it.

We look forward to seeing many of your there.

1 comment:

dmo said...

This is a great race for getting away. You should be able to get a gap after driving it on the hill once the group has softened up a bit, and from there the rest of the course is twisty and downhill making it hard to organize an efficient chase. Just take it easy on the last corner coming into the start finish - it comes after a downhill, and unless you take a tight inside line, it's a bit off camber. Have fun!
