Sunday, May 06, 2007

Saturday Report

I dragged myself out of bed after 3 hours of sleep to take the kids up to Kensington to train with the juniors. It was a beautiful day to ride. I could only say this after caffeination at Starbucks on the way.

James, Alexey and Rem are primed for the Kensington race. We hit the first hill and they broke loose charging up the hill. I yelled at them to "chill" but they were going! After a calm-down coaching session we got them more into a work groove surveying the course and thinking about tactics. James and Alexey are pretty closely matched. I think they will have some tactical options this season so we spent some considerable time working on that. I foresee them being out on their own a lot so I want them to work smoothly together so their breaks will sustain. Also, there will be those times when they get popped off the back of a mixed group and they need to not panic and work together smoothly in those moments. There will also be those times when it is them and an unwanted third wheel so they need to think about how you dispense with such a one as this.

We stopped by the new bike shop in Brighton on Main St.. If you haven't been there check it out! It is very cool with an emphasis on high end road and tri gear.

No Cone for me today. This will be a family day with church, a little honey-do, then a 2 hour ride. Balance, balance, balance.

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